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Kathy McBride is the leader of her team Ghost Connection NZ and has been running this team for many years. Although the team has had some changes over the years the goals has never changed.  the Goals have always been to prove the paranormal exists and to send the rescue the earthboundds from the good, the bad and the down right evil to the other side.  The team has exted to showing lives on Facebook Ghost Connection page,  YouTube and Tic Tok.  At this stage the teamis doing two ghost investigations a week.  The team has extended as well.  Most of the team are made up of psychic mediums, developing spiritual gifts people, and ghost investigators, some are in training.  We are real we dont falsify any of our evidence. 

Kathy Mc Bride started ghost hunting about 20 years ago. She along with others have done ghost hunts in Wellington, Napier, Wairarapa, Tararua area, Invercargill, Mossburn to name a few.

She has been able to capture in photos, proof of ghosts and orbs.

On a ghost hunt, Kathy uses her medium ability to connect with spirits of the haunted location, she asks them to step forward to give proof of their existence, this can be done by table tipping, touches, noises, appearing, cold spots etc... 

Kathy takes a realistic, down to earth view when ghost hunting and will look for the most logical reason for a noise, orb etc.

If you are interested in coming on a ghost hunt or have a location for a ghost hunt, (right now seeking locations in Hutt /Wellington /Porirua area but will travel to other locations if a group is arranged (travel and time charges may apply outside the Hutt area) Then register your name with us now.

Great team building

Social Club events

Or for those who just wish to experience the supernatural

Contact us for more info..

Here is some reports from recent Ghost Hunt & Comments:

Kim Sullivan I was part of the ghost investigation team last night at our friend Anne's house. It is an 1900s house divided into 4 flats. We had access to Anne's house which was upstairs and a unoccupied flat directly opposite. I started off with 2 other team members up on one of the landings in the corner near the stairs. I felt lots of pins and needles in my legs, goose bumps, and felt like there was a spiritual presence next to me at one stage. The 2 other team members felt the same thing. When we went over to the other flat we entered one room and it felt very heavy, it was hard to breathe, and I felt cold spots over the bottoms of my legs, which other team members also felt. This room just had a different feel to it. While laying on Anne's bed I felt like something was pulling the duvet cover under the bottom of my leg and myself and another team member also saw a black mass gliding long one of the sides of the room. The last room which a few of us investigated was Anne's kitchen and this gave me quite a scare! The chair I was sitting on felt like it was wobbling on its own and something made a loud rustling noise on the kitchen bench which had me and my other team members out of our chairs and jumping! This was my first ghost investigation and it will differently wont be my last. I really enjoyed it. In my opinion there are differently spirits occupying Anne's house.

Bex Ross thanx heaps Kath for comin up n sharing ur time n energy with us...had a ball....cant wait for next hunt...ill post up pix soon...i got alot more on camera than i thought...extremely excited lol....take care of ursef, be well n stay smiling

Dayel Isaac i was there,it was alsum.will put up our photos soon kathy,been lazy putin it up heh

Ange Evans This was such a wonderful night Kathy. I will never EVER forget the table tipping experience. Incredible stuff

This is from another paranormalist/ skeptic

It was a good thing you ran there the other night - well conducted, as usual. And I like it that you're not making shit up when nothing much is happening like some so-called mediums would be doing. It was probably about average compared to the 4 or 5 times my team has been in there - we've had a range from zilcho to pretty damned interesting. Several times we (others in the team, not me) have seen moving things around that boardroom/foyer/side room/top of stairs area. 

and from another hunt he came on:

Thanks again for inviting me along last night. Once again, I think you conducted things really well and kept the large group quiet, under control and occupied.

No one could accuse you of faking stuff to provide entertainment for the people, that's for sure. Many fake mediums would put on more of a show and pull a few stunts. I like your honest and straight-up approach

Ghost Hunt at The Wellington Museum City and Sea

21st September 2013

A group of 12 of us descended on the Museum on Saturday. We got started at around 9pm by going into the Bond room, this is where they use to unload and load cargo for the ships in the late 1800’s. It didn’t take long before I knew we weren’t alone but the spirit decided to stay quiet and watch what we were doing, most annoying. We moved on through the first floor of the museum and decided to spread out amongst the ground floor. We kept walking as I called out to see if anyone wanted to let us know they were there. Silence!!! But again that feeling that we were being watched was strong. A few people felt touches, just light ones. We went up to the second floor and that’s where some of the fun started. About 4 or 5 of us were walking around a sea equipment display and as we walked down past it, we all looked up as we heard loud creaking above us. We thought it must be the building when we walked down past the display. So we all replayed what we had done and there was no sound above. We then knew this wasn’t the building but something else, as we all felt it sounded like someone was walking on the floor above us.

In a viewing room for the warhine ship wreck, we noticed a wooly hat that someone must of left behind, so it was put on one of the seats and we went off. Kev noticed it later and brought it towards the front of the floor and put it on the seats as you came up the steps. Later when we were in the old harbor board room, one of the staff went to shut the door to the display area and saw the hat by the door. I was surprised as I knew it had been on the seat. So asking everyone, we found no one had shifted the hat. Something or someone had moved the hat right by the door a metre and a half away from where Kev had put it. There was no way it could of fallen there.

On the floor we were on there was a cabin from a ship and most of us went in with a few others and shut the door to see what happened. I went in with Jo and Kaitlin, it wasn’t long before we felt touches, especially Jo. We felt like someone was in there with us.

The Board room is an amazing place. It seems the same way it was when it was used in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. With photos of the men that were on the board on the wall, we did do a darkness session in this room, we heard the odd tap but couldn’t conclude it not being from outside the building or building noise. Many felt touches and some cold spots. Again we did not feel alone.

We did wander around the board room and outside in the main stair well, sitting quietly in different area’s but separated as a group. Two ladies swore they saw a white apparition that looked like a lady going up the steps towards the offices on the next floor up.

We did a table tipping in the room off the board room, as the staff had never felt easy in this room. A few of us felt the same and it was like someone was right there watching us. We got started and the table did a few ripples, a few slightly larger movements but what was going on around the table was better. I experienced a spirit coming up right behind me. I then felt them touch my leg with a very solid movement. I then felt two hands starting from my shoulders running down both my arms. At one stage I felt it lift one of my fingers off the table. Finally I let out a yelp, as it was as someone gave me a karate chop on my arm and it hurt. Others around the table felt touching, cold spots and a couple of them felt like their hands were being lifted off the table. As well as they to felt as spirits were right behind them or coming in between us.

Even though there was not many noises, there was a lot of touches and interaction from the spirits of the Museum. I felt this was an active place and am looking forward to doing another ghost hunt there.

On Saturday 14th Sept approx 10.30 we got started on our ghost hunt in New Plymouth. Sorry still have to keep the location private, so if you think you recognise the place please don't say it on facebook.

There were 12 of us all up. We first did a walk thru on the ground floor.

We started our darkness sessions in our first room. We all not long after turning the lights out felt extreme cold spots. this carried on in all the rooms down stairs. We heard the occasional small noise but nothing we could actually say was a noise from the other side or not. But the cold spots were seriously cold. Kevin checked with our laser thermometer on the area's that we reported colder. In one room the cold spots actually showed the temperature rising. Prior to us going in there the temperture was around 9 to 10 degrees. Now the temperature will go up with people in a room but this was only on small area's that we felt incredible cold. A medium reported seeing a man in white doctors outfit. I saw a nurse in a white uniform carrying a large bowl filled with bloodied water and big sponges. This is the room we photographed some odd dark and white shapes. We then all broke off into small groups downstairs, again we only got very cold spots and yes we checked for drafts.

The day before I visited the place and took some photo's of the outside. I saw a man from the outside, looking from the outside top window. As i moved around the house outside, I saw the man more clearly watching me from the window, I did try and photograph him.

We went upstairs and divided up into the two rooms and three people on the landing. one of the men on the landing, soon had to leave and go into a room. He felt unwanted on the landing. Another of the guys on the landing, laid down and felt someone grab his arm, it gave him a bit of fright. In our room we felt the presence of a man. I asked him questions. There were four of us in the room, all women. I asked if the spirit was a man and right next to one of the ladies we heard a man's voice say strongly "NOPE" we tried to get more from him but he went quiet around the guys. One of the ladies reported seeing a white mist rise up from a old case.

Again some cold spots.

We went downstairs and finished with a table tipping. We had a very heavy wooden table to work with. As we started asking the spirits to move the table, finally we started feeling very small movements but they were definite movements.

Overall I was disappointed at the spirits being quite quiet, until we got the voice of a spirit. This place had many spiritually presences. But they weren't willing to communicate except for our man upstairs. I am still to review the evp recording and hope that it has picked up the NOPE.

Other peoples views of the hunts


Arriving at Downstage at 9.30pm at night, my stomach was a flutter. Unusual for me, but I had a good feeling at about this ghost hunt. Even though the weather was supposed to be blowing and rain, it was a calm night, perfect for a hunt.

Finally about 10.45pm we got started. As one large group we went into the theatre and everyone sat together. The lights went out and I started asking the spirits to make contact with us. At first there was silence but suddenly after asking again we heard some odd noises coming from up the top of the theatre and behind the stage. We tried to get them going, but unfortunately there were still a couple of bar staff downstairs and their noise started to put me off. Tony our Downstage man was quick to send them home for the night. We took a break.

The groups came back and we let people off around the theatre but wear they could hear me. Some did their dark sessions behind the curtains, in the back. Some went up above the theatre and some were on the stage and in the seating.

We then started our table tipping, we were going to do them in groups of three. Our first table of ten, including myself sat at the table, we all had our hands on the table, not joining. I starting asking the spirits to move the table, at first we had nothing, then suddenly the table starting shaking mildly. We then heard a very odd noise under the table, it sounded like a huge insect like a locus moving, we ruled out peoples shoes due to it moving from one end of the table to the other. We also heard tapping under the table and on the table. We had a few moves of the table. It was really interesting.

As the last group were coming to the table, I was standing on the edge of the stage and I saw a big man with a woolly beard standing just by the stage. At first I thought where did he come from? He is not part of our group, but then he disappeared. Our third table tipping, we had a bit of shaking but that was it.

We called it a night, at this stage it was around 2.30am and saw everyone off with water on their hands to cleanse them.

Downstage were happy to have us back again, we will be doing another one but only with a group of ten, now that I have done a hunt there, I have some ideas how to get more from them.

Jo Cutting

Thanks everyone for another great night out. Still buzzing over the door as well as mu ghost radar coming up with the word nose, an then the odd smell happening on stage. Rather interesting.

James Gilberd

A group of 15 of us met up for our long awaited Inverlochy House ghost hunt. We knew this place had a long rich history, which spread to when it was built between 1877-1878. It became one of the top ten NZ haunted venues. So with that, we crept into the house.

We started off as a complete group and did a couple of rooms. The ghosts were quiet, a few people felt some cold spots come on them and some tingles but hardly scary stuff.

Even in our small groups we felt limited contact, but you could not deny their presence.

We all enjoyed our experience at Inverlochy, but I feel this place warrants more investigation, maybe we need to build the spirits trust in us. I would like to go in a very small group of about 4 people as I think this would help.

We started off quite early for a hunt around the 8.30 mark. We started walking around taking photo's. In the very old parts we would stop and ask the spirits to make themselves known, but it was difficult as there was a slight breeze and the noise from neighbouring houses really ruled out if it was spirit or not. Most of us got the feeling of being watched and followed. This feeling became very strong and after 3 hours for safety sake (from live people) we called it quits and moved to another Wellington cemetery. This was a very old cemetery and small. It had been a larger one but because of a motor way, it was now small. It had a lovely feeling, again it was impossible to get a spirit to make a noise due to the motorway. After this we went to the mass grave on the opposite side. we sat on the seats and sent healing to all that had been put in the mass grave. As we sat there two of the girls saw a figure starting to walk towards us, the rest of us felt someone touching our hands. The figure disappeared. We sent the last of the healing and then started to wander to our cars. on the way we noticed a couple of guys trying to break in to a empty office block, we rang the police and the police were pleased to hear from us, apparently these two were having a few goes at a few So that was our night. Most of us got the odd orb on our photo's and a two of us got strange mists, mainly me. I did not smoke around the photo's and i tested my breathing to see if that caused it. I took over 300 photo's and had about 10 strange photo's. Another lady got wonderful orbs big and coloured as well as one mist one. We will leave this to you to decide what they are...

Hey kathy,me and ange hada blast with you at napier prison,we realy enjoy it,hope theres another one happening coz ill be keen to do it again.anyway bless you and hopefulu see you again.

Kathy Mc Bride: I experienced seeing a large black shape of a woman in a long skirt, this was prior to our blurry photos. I also got pushed into a door frame coming out of one room. The table tipping was amazing with the table lifting up to 15cm off the floor and moving. A Big thankyou to Marion and Toro from the Prison.

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Psychic Medium / Ghost Investigator/Past Life Practitioner

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